
Learn Azure Functions with Seasons of Serverless

November 30, 2020

Hello and happy December! This month, I am learning more about Serverless with the Seasons of Serverless challenge.

In this article, I'll cover my solution to Challenge 1.

Table of Contents


1. Challenge outline

2. My solution

3. Check the results

4. More resources


  • Visual Studio Code
  • Azure Functions Extension Installed
  • An Azure account

1. Challenge outline

In this challenge, we will be entering a turkey's weight to determine it's brine recipe, brine time, and roast time.


For this challenge, our input will be a turkey's weight.


There are three distinct parts to our output:

1. The brine recipe

  • Salt (in cups) = 0.05 * lbs of turkey
  • Water (gallons) = 0.66 * lbs of turkey
  • Brown sugar (cups) = 0.13 * lbs of turkey
  • Shallots = 0.2 * lbs of turkey
  • Cloves of garlic = 0.4 * lbs of turkey
  • Whole peppercorns (tablespoons) = 0.13 * lbs of turkey
  • Dried juniper berries (tablespoons) = 0.13 * lbs of turkey
  • Fresh rosemary (tablespoons) = 0.13 * lbs of turkey
  • Thyme (tablespoons) = 0.06 * lbs of turkey

2. The brining time (in hours)

  • Brine time (in hours) = 2.4 * lbs of turkey

3. The rost time (in minutes)

  • Roast time (in minutes) = 15 * lbs of turkey

Using the following information, we'll create an Azure Function to develop a solution.

2. My solution

When creating my Azure Function, I selected the HTTP trigger, named the function turkeyTime, snd gave it an Anonymous authorization level. I used JavaScript for my solution but there are lots of different languages you can use. I edited one file to include the following code: index.js.

// turkeyTime/index.js

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
  context.log("JavaScript HTTP trigger function processed a request.")

  const weight = req.query.weight || (req.body && req.body.weight)
  const responseMessage = weight
    ? `Your turkey weighs ${weight} lbs. 

Brine Instructions:
Salt: ${(0.05 * weight).toFixed(2)} cups
Water: ${(0.66 * weight).toFixed(2)} gallons
Brown Sugar: ${(0.13 * weight).toFixed(2)} cups
Shallots: ${(0.2 * weight).toFixed(2)} 
Cloves of garlic: ${(0.4 * weight).toFixed(2)}
Whole peppercorns: ${(0.13 * weight).toFixed(2)} tablespoons
Dried juniper berries: ${(0.13 * weight).toFixed(2)} tablespoons
Fresh rosemary: ${(0.13 * weight).toFixed(2)} tablespoons
Thyme: ${(0.06 * weight).toFixed(2)} tablespoons

Brine Time: ${(2.4 * weight).toFixed(2)} hours

Roast Time: ${(15 * weight).toFixed(2)} minutes`
    : "Please provide a weight for your turkey!"

  context.res = {
    // status: 200, /* Defaults to 200 */
    body: responseMessage,

A note on my solution

  • I used .toFixed(2) to ensure solutions did not have infinite decimal points. That would have not been the best user experience!

3. Check the results

After deploying my code to Azure's Function App, this is what I got:


New Project Icon


New Project Icon

4. More resources

  1. Join this week's Seasons of Serverless challenge
  2. Learn more about Azure Functions on Microsoft Learn
Copyright © Locksley Kolakowski 2021 | All opinions are my own