
Automate your website's copyright date

September 15, 2020

As a new coder, it took me learning from an experiened professional that my website's copyright could be automatically updated for me--instead of setting a notification every New Years to update it!

The awesome thing is it is incredibly easy to implement and only takes one line of code:

<span>Copyright &copy; Locksley Kolakowski {new Date().getFullYear()}</span>

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Unlike <div>, <span> is an inline element, making it optimial for styling and adding JavaScript to your website.
  2. Use &copy instead of © is important as not all editors support Unicode. (However, Unicode is very prevalent making this less necessary!)
  3. {new Date().getFullYear()} gets only the year.
Copyright © Locksley Kolakowski 2021 | All opinions are my own